1. 基本資料(必填,每人填寫一份) Personal Information (Mandatory) 漢文姓名 (需與護照相同) Name (Mandarin, same as in the passport) 英文姓名 (需與護照相同) Name (English, same as in the passport) 性別 Gender 男 (Male)女 (Female) 居住國家 Country of residence 地址 Address 電子信箱 Email 電話 (含國碼) Tel (incl. country code) 餐點需求 Meal Preference 葷 (with Meat)素 (Vegetarian) 其他特別需求 Other preferences * 如有托嬰需求,請至官網填寫托兒需求,此為免費服務。
2. 所在區域&付款方式 Region and payment options 美加地區 (美金) USA, Canada (payment in USD) 歐洲及其他地區(歐元匯款) Europe and other regions (bank transfer in EUR)
3. 會議報名費用(必填) Conference Fee 報名費含 9/9-9/10 2天會議、咖啡休息時間、9/9午餐和晚餐、9/10午餐 The conference fee includes 2 days of conference (9 September, 10 September), coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on 9 September and lunch on 10 September. 台協/同鄉會會員 (Member of a Taiwanese Association)非會員 (Not a member of a Taiwanese Association)學生 (Student) 請輸入所屬台協會/同鄉會 Please indicate the country/region of the Taiwanese Association 報名費 (Registration fee): 229 USD 抱歉,早鳥優惠已結束 (Reduced price is until 30 April)
4. 自由選購 Optional add-ons * 自由選購無早鳥優惠 * No reduced price in optional add-ons 9/8 晚餐 8 September Dinner (Buffet) 是 (Yes)否 (No) 費用 (Fee): 24 USD 輕旅行 Travellight 9/11 一日遊 Vilnius + Trakai ( Trakai + Vilnius) 11 September one day trip Vilnius + Trakai or Trakai + Vilnius 不選購 Don't want to have any Travellight 費用 (Fee): 65 USD
4. 贊助支持 Sponsor 我願意小額贊助台協會 I am happy to sponsor 感謝您的支持,咱一同為台灣打拼! Thank you for your support, let's work together for Taiwan!
5. 會後旅遊 Post-conference trips 請注意旅遊行程A和B團的出發時間不同。會後旅遊之詳細資訊、早鳥優惠、報名須知以及退費規定,請參考 本年會官網。 Please pay attention to the different departure date of the A or B group, early bird discount, registration notice and refund policy on the travel information leaflet. 年會主辦單位僅協助匯集報名工作,會後旅遊一切事宜責任均由承辦旅行社負責。 Please note that the organizer of the annual conference only assists in collecting the registrations and the travel agency is responsible for all matters related to travel after the meeting. A-3 立陶宛-拉脫維亞-愛莎尼亞-芬蘭-瑞典10 天9夜精緻遊 (9/11 出發) B-1 立陶宛-波蘭-匈牙利-布達佩斯 9天8夜精緻深度遊 (9/12 出發) B-2 立陶宛-拉脫維亞-愛莎尼亞-芬蘭-瑞典10 天9夜精緻遊 (9/12 出發) A-Baltics 波羅地海三小國五天四夜 (9/11 出發) B-Baltics 波羅地海三小國五天四夜 (9/12 出發) 不選購 Don't want to have any Post-conference trips 會後旅遊房型需求 Post-conference trips room preference 單人一間房 (Single room)雙人房 一張雙人床 (Double 1 bed room)雙人房 兩張單人床 (2 single beds room)請協助安排室友 (旅行社只能盡力安排無法保證) Please assist to arrange a roommate for me (Please understand this is not always possible) 費用 (Fee): 0 USD ** 會後旅遊 A-Baltics 與 B-Baltics 無早鳥優惠